Sunday, 7 April 2013

Liebster Awards!

So the ever beautiful Sabrina from Butterfly Brain nominated me for a Liebster Award!
Such an amazing thing and I am so happy! Its a great way for small blogs (such as mine) to get more out there, and get more promoted :)

Here are the rules for all nominees:1. Post 11 things about yourself
2. Answer the 11 questions created by the person who nominated you
3. Create 11 questions of your own to ask the bloggers you decide to nominate
4. Choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate and link them on your blog post
5. Bloggers must be notified of their award!
6. No tag backs!

11 things about myself 

1. I always cry at applause. Whether its curtain call of any show, someone wins something or even if someone in a book receives a lot of applause. I just cry away!
2. I dropped art in school as soon as I could, now I love all things art and wish I hadn't dropped it. 
3. I love playing board games.
4. I hate cooking, but love looking at food magazines/recipes. I like to think that I can make them if I wanted to :)
5. I love buying storage containers. You can never have too many!
6. I am horrible at saving money, but I am getting much better thankfully!
7. I love astronomy, ballet, graphic design and hiking, but no one would know unless I told them. 
8. I hate when people read over my shoulder when writing blog posts. I dont care once it's written and posted, but I make people wait until its up before letting them read it! 
9. Purple is my favorite color and green is my least favorite. 
10. I havent had caffeine since I was 12 (except once, i was drunk and accidentally drank some Woodstock which has Coca Cola in it!) 
11. I hate getting fresh flowers. I would much prefer a seedling that I can grow myself! My boyfriend is definitely happy about that! 

11 questions by Sabrina!

1- What's your favorite book?
Very difficult question! If just a quick read, Love Letters by Katie Fforde is great, if a more serious long read, I prefer classic literature like Emma or Gone With The Wind. I also love How To Be An Explorer of the World by Keri Smith. Such a book to get you out of your comfort zone!
2- Have you ever wished you were born in another time period? If so, when?
All the time!! I love the 50's and 60's and while I am glad that I can have a job as a woman, I love the time when women just looked after the house and the family. I love wearing big dresses and hats, and I wish everyone knew how to dance like they did on those days. I love watching movies from that time. 
3- Describe your morning routine on a Saturday.
It quite often depends. Usually, Its my day off work, so I am usually sleeping in as much as possible! I dont have much of a routine cause my work shifts get changed around constantly, but I'm sure once I get set shifts, then my routines will go back to normal! 
4- What do you cook (or eat) when you don't feel like spending a lot of time in the kitchen?
A lot of omelettes! I am not a very good cook, so I mainly make omelettes, eggs, pasta bakes or cheese sandwiches! (Healthy, I know!) 
5- What's a good movie you've seen lately?
I like the movie Anna Karenina, how it was filmed is very clever and an interesting time period. Another great movie is Robot and Frank. I like to watch movies that have symbolism in each scene, and Robot and Frank doesnt really have that, so once I stopped looking for what each scene meant and just watched it, it was very enjoyable!
6- What's your favorite scent?
Vanilla!! I absolutely love the smell of vanilla. Whenever I got angry when I was younger, I would always quick sniff some vanilla essence and all my anger left! It was my life-saver. :) 
7- Coffee or tea?
Green Tea!! I dont drink caffeine, so I will always choose decaf teas. I love the smell of coffee, but I hate the taste of it! 
8- What is your greatest accomplishment?
I have a lot of little accomplishments that all make up who I am, so i would say I have just one great accomplishment, but little things like finishing high school successfully, selling some of my art, and starting this blog. 
9- What is your favorite season, and why?
I love the cold! I especially love the snow, so winter! But I do love the colors of autumn and the flowers/new growth with spring. I dont really like much about summer, apart from that I can wear skirts and dresses, which I love :) 
10- Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Introvert! I have never been an 'out-there' person, and there are times that I just like to be by myself, so I would say I am an introvert. 
11- What is your favorite color to wear?
I love the color purple, and my boyfriend likes me wearing purple, so I do wear a lot of that, but people have said that wearing red makes my blue eyes a lot bluer, so a lot of the time I wear red! I interchange between those usually!! 

11 Questions for my nominees! 

1. If you could be at any major moment in history, what moment would it be and why?
2. What is the one item (not a person) that you could not live without? 
3. Do you have anything that you keep just for memories sake?
4. Where would you go if you could go to just one place for the rest of your life?
5. What was the concert you went to? 
6. What is your favorite fast food? 
7. If money wasnt an option, what would you want to learn to do?
8. What TV show is your favorite? What shows are you watching currently?
9. Do you have a favorite letter of the alphabet? Why?
10. Do you know any other language? Can you keep a conversation? 
11. What is your ideal first date? 

My 11 Nominees!

Lara from Sincerly, Lara
Katie and Reuben from House of Humble
Sonia from Erstwhile Felicity
Isa and Jen from La Saloperie
Amy from Amy's Beauty Journal
Kady from Pink Gerbera Daisies
Amia from Teapots and Belles
Heidi from Heidis Wanderings
Carina from Carstina
Caffy from Bundana
Natalie from Flocking Owls


  1. Amy - so sweet of you to nominate me! This is very cool. Can't wait to do this!

  2. Thank you <3

    Bundana @
    (following via Bloglovin)

  3. Thank you so much for nominating me! That was so nice!
    Amia- Teapots and Belles

  4. Thanks for the nomination! it made my day :) I'm now following you on bloglovin

  5. Thank you, I will upload my post soon x
    Amy |

  6. Thank you so much for nominating me! Really lovely of you! :)
