Friday, 10 January 2014

Advertisement opportunity for Small Business owners!

I have been very busy over the last few week or so, trying to get everything organized as the new year rolls over.
One thing that I am SUPER excited about is my new magazine! It will be a small magazine that will go out to all of my buyers and also available for purchase separately. It is going to include some discounts for my shoes, interviews, details of behind the scenes at Miss Owl B, a catalogue of things I am selling as well as things in the works.One thing I would love to add to it is some advertisements for some small businesses.
If you are a small business that is needing some extra help send me an email!
You can also be featured, and we can do a small interview over e-mails and I can add you to the magazine. You will also get 2 free copies and a discount for a subscription to the magazine.

Here are my prices!
-Small (up to half page) advertisement: $5
-Large (between half and full page) advertisement: $10
-Interview and feature: $15

Just make sure you can sell around the world, as I live in Australia. If you dont sell here, its not much point :)

I look forward to your emails!


1 comment:

  1. Including a little magazine with each order is such a great idea!
